

Take a look close at these videos... my little one's were on TV this Wednesday! WAY COOL!!  Unfortunately we had to wake up WAY TOO EARLY - but they had fun!
First - Kenidy!

Then Rhett...


And finally Roman...


Aren't they cute... OK, so you have to play "Where's Millers" but they have made their television debut!Now they can check off "15min. of fame" from their bucket list - right!? No use in saving it for some crazy thing they do when they're teenagers or worse college kids! NO- I kid, they are the coolest kids around.


  1. This is very cool! I'm sure they can use this on their scholarship applications when they go off to college. What totally shocked me, however, was that Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Bambrough are STILL teaching at Doxey. They were my 1st and 4th grade teachers. They seemed so old at the time, but now I realize they were probably younger than I am now.

    Well this video will certainly be a nice thing to remember. Now you just have to figure out a way to get it into their remembrance boxes.

  2. Love it! So cute! You are so lucky to have such cute kids!

  3. I'm with Tag. I can't believe Ms.Hill and Mrs. Bambrough are still teaching! Ms. Hill looks younger now then she did when I was in the 1st grade. Crazy!!
    Your kids are the cutest ones in each group. That Roman...ohhhh, so cute!
