
Rhett & His Kidney...

This past August was Rhetts birthday, and what a chain of events occurred. We decided, due to begging & pleading, to take the family to Lagoon for Rhett's birthday. Well as the night grew darker Rhett began complaining that his stomach was hurting. So of course I just kept telling him FART! I was sure he was just trying to be a considerate kid that with all the junk food he was eating his poor stomach was filled with gas.
Well, Sunday & Monday passed, but none of the "gas" passed. And he was sporrting a fever... So we had to make the journey to the doctor. Tuesday morning I said to Aaron as he was taking him to the doctors, "If we pay 25$ & they say it's gas I'm going to be so mad!!!" Then off to work I headed. Later that afternoon Aaron called me and said, "Well, it's not gas." I cried, "I take it back - go give them another 25$ and ask them to tell us it's just gas!" We were heading down to Primary Children's Hospital.
Now if this seems like dejavu... Yes, last year we brought Roman to Primarys for an Asthma attack. Good times, good times! Actually, many blessings came from that experience. And so it has been with Rhett.
After many, many, many, many test it appears that since birth, or right there after, Rhett's kidneys have not been functioning all that well, the left more so than the right. So, with much discussion with doctors & Heavenly Father the decision was made to remove the left kidney & monitor the right kidney as he grows. So here we are at Primary's waiting for him to come out of surgery. It's a little scary, but we have so many people who have blessed our lives, not to mention the loving care of the Holy Ghost that reassures us that the Lord knows us personally & has a plan for us that is extraordinary. So we follow in faith, knowing that what ever happens is the path that brings us closer to Him. Of coarse that means we keep the commandments, repent, forgive, & serve others. We are strong because of His love & the love of those around us. Rhett has become more & more closer to his Father in Heaven, as his earthly parents we are grateful!

Our future obviously will be filled with more kidney updates, but for now we are living every day grateful for each moment together & ready to give back to all those we come to know.

1 comment:

  1. How scary!! We will be thinking of you guys. Keep updating the blog when you can.
