So Roman turned five this summer and had a fun birthday with family. The thing is - HE'S MY BABY!! You know every time I go through another mile stone I hear those who have gone before me saying "Your gonna feel ..." and remembering me saying - "No, not me - I'm not that sentimental" WRONG-O!!! I've really got to stop assuming that I'm someone I'm not!
Roman has started Kindergarten and is loving it! His favorite part is snack - oh man! He's mine! I was sure it was going to be recess, and when I asked he said that because of the rain he wasn't able to go play on the big toy. He was also upset that he can't go play with the other "big kids." The funny thing is, I've been so worried about him, and he is taking this all in great strides. He's especially excited to walk home with his bro & sis - can't say that I'm too excited, so I've planned a couple of drive-bys to check that he's ok. UMMMMM - can we say OVER PROTECTIVE!! CRAP! This is harder than it looks people! I keep squeezing the crap out of him every night cuz too soon he'll be too big to snuggle with - uh, he might already be there but I'm in denial, ok I guess it's not denial if you know it's wrong but are still doing it - OH MAN is he going to need a therapist! Oh well - what kid doesn't!
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10 years ago
I can't believe it either. Don't worry about hugging him to death. Take every chance you can get.