On July 24th, as the family watched the Utah Pioneer Parade on television, my sweet Keni said, "Mom, I want to be in a parade!" I explained that the parade season was coming to an end and that there was not much I could do this year, but maybe next year. Kenidy is a very smart girl, and decided to take her desire to the only person she knew could help - the Lord. I heard her pray that night that she could 'make it in someones parade.' What faith she has because that next week I recieved an email from my cousin Katie that said Maddie (a neice on Roy's Cheerleading squad) was wondering if Keni and Skyler would like to do a Cheer camp and then 'perform' at Roy's parade. WELL, faith of children is great! And so my little sweet heart got her prayers answered and was able to participate in the Roy City Parade.
Keni's father is an alumnae of ROY HIGH SCHOOL
however, it's her mother's arch nemesis
(as high schools go any way - GO CHS).
Keni's father is an alumnae of ROY HIGH SCHOOL
however, it's her mother's arch nemesis
(as high schools go any way - GO CHS).
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