BUZZZZZ - the alarm,
BUZZZZZZZZ - the alarm again,
"MOM!!!" - three beautiful children (see pics) all needing help getting ready for school.
"Where's my socks?," "Where's my coat?," "I'm HUNGARY!," - is usually heard out of my mouth. I know, I know you thought it was my kids... nope, I'm the confused one!
We sit at the table and as I read to them they eat. I grab a FiberOne bar as we rush out the door usually late. Why? didn't you read - I couldn't find my socks.
Finally - I get to work - GO WILDCATS!
Now I sit at my desk where I see tons of college students on a daily basis with problems and questions such as;
"How do I study for ORGANIC CHEMISTRY?"
"How do I balance my life?"
"How do I pay for school?"
As I help them solve their problems I think to myself,
"How do I study for my Master's course?"
" How do I balance my life?"
and "How do I pay for school?"
Answers come and go... and everyday it's still the same... "???"
Well, the day is mostly over, I switch off the kids as my husband goes to school and work. As I kiss him goodnight at 4 in the afternoon, cuz I most likely will not see him unless I stay up past 10, he asks,
"How do I study for my History course?"
"How do I balance my life?"
and "How do I pay for school?"
"REALLY?" I ask... and then it happens - - I bust out with,
He says, "really?" I then have to reply sadly due to the fact that any money we have goes to school, "nooo:(((."How I dream to say one day - "YES,""YES,""YES!!" - well, you know what I mean.
Please, pick a woman on the edge! Did I mention - I AM ON THE EDGE!
oh and thanks for reading my entry... it was fun to do. For others reading - click either of the pics to find out more about this contest.

Ali, that is a way cute post!! You deserve a day at the spa, you are a hard worker, good student and a wonderful mom!
ReplyDeleteAli, I wanted to try for the contest too but really there is no contest for who deserves to win. You work so hard to do everything for everyone! I don't know how you do it between work, kids school schedules, husbands work and school schedules, and YOUR school stuff. You are way amazing and deserve to win this contest!!!