FIRST: I AM EXTREMELY PROUD OF MY HUBBY! He completed 18 credits this semester, is 6cr. shy of his degree, and is now accepted into the Education Certification Program. It's been three years that he started this school thing; filled with ups, downs, and an extremely overbearing wife but he was patient, worked hard, and has accomplished an amazing goal.
SECOND: Easter/Spring BLISS!
THIRD: BIRTHDAYS!! Both Kenidy and I completed another year. I had been looking back over the year and my "34 Dreams" post seems like it was just yesterday. And yet, I have had some of the most amazing experiences; well above 34 - so I feel completely blessed. I am not very excited about the fact that I am getting older, but I am trying to do it gracefully... fighting every gray hair that pops up. My cute new phone though is really making life fun! I'd post a picture, but BLOGGER is buggin' out right now. In any case it's the Droid Aris, and I custom made a skin that's all cute 'n stuff - hehe ;D
Now that we are all caught up (well enough to get a move on) I'd like to showcase my latest endeavor: crochet and knitting! I don't have my knitting done, but look how DARN TOOTIN' CUTE the blankets are that I did for my soon to come niece Reagan.
I know they're pretty cute. I think my mom would be completely surprised that I did this, but all in good time. Which makes me think... I better not get angry with Kenidy when she doesn't want to learn or do things when I want her to learn or do things.
Right Keni!
Ali those blankets are so cute!! thesha will love them!