Well Christmas has come and gone and it's now 2010 so now I am doing catch up. I've got so much to share from the last three weeks. I will try to get everything up quickly, but I can't promise anything as school for the kids, Aaron and I begin tomorrow. Fortunately, I will only be taking 2cr instead of 6 credits - but this time it's an actual class & not online classes. It should be interesting. I'm also nervous because Aaron will be taking 18 credits - we'll see how long that lasts, but we have HIGH HOPES!! :D
Any way - first on the catch up list is the fun night I had with some of my Young Women at Temple Square. They are so great, and we are so lucky to be able to live so close to SLC. I don't know that they realize how lucky they are, but they will someday. I didn't realize until I was on my mission to Guatemala and saw the excitement in the members and my companions when the prophet came to visit. I had always taken my ability to attend General Conference in person for granted. NO MORE - I feel very privileged to live so close to the leaders of the Lord's church. In any case, I had tons of fun ladies. I am excited for the next year and all the fun we will be having together, our testimonies growing, and the building of friendship bonds never to be broken (challenged - but NEVER BROKEN)!!!
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