(I didn't have all of the pics "PSed" - photo shopped - which would make this even better)
(I didn't have all of the pics "PSed" - photo shopped - which would make this even better)
I am so excited because what can normally take me hours to do took me literally (and I mean the literally that my BBFF - "blog best friend forever" - Lisa, that's Blue and Shoe under the list, speaks about. Which by the way you should totally read!) TWO MINUTES!
Don't my boys look so handsome - and Keni - well she just is GORGEOUS DARLING ;)
So this is a collage of my beautiful munchkins having fun at the Scarecrow Festival with their cousins at Thanksgiving Point. They had a ball (not literally), going on all the blow-up toys, playing little carnival games, and getting their face painted. The best was when my dear nephew Hayden exclaimed what I had wanted to say the whole time, but keeping my mouth shut as to not destroy the fun for the kids... "THESE SUCK" - so true, so true Hayden. Your mom and I could have TOTALLY done a better job at painting your cheeks - but it did go to a good cause! Next time though - I AM SOOOOO going to just ask that I paint their cheeks for them. I'll still give them the 2$ (I want my 2 dollars - had to be said) just give me the paint and brush.
Well, I can't leave today's entry with out a shout-out to all my NEW MOON FRIENDS! Can hardly wait to see the wolftastic movie tonight! I LOVE MY LIFE :D
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