This year for Roman's Birthday we shared it with his cousin Calvyn. Their birthdays are only a couple of days a part and both were wanting to go to Chuck E. Cheeses. I spent a good week trying hard to come up with a cute idea for the party. On Mother's Day I was given a cute little cake box from my mother-in-law that I had seen on Good Things Utah and thought was cute. This sparked a fabulous idea - turn it into a piece of cheese! The idea just kept rolling and out came a very cute invite and Micky & Minnie party idea. We had a lot of fun, and because we shared the party (most of the invited were duplicates because it's all family) it was fairly inexpensive. Thanks Holly for letting me take over - and I hope those who came had a good time. We were even lucky to have our family from North Carolina in town for the event. What a fabulous memory for Roman - my baby.
One little tid-bit about Roman, every time I say I love you he replies;
"I Love You the Most."
He is a cute little devil, and has the most contagious smile. Love you buddy!!
"I Love You the Most."
He is a cute little devil, and has the most contagious smile. Love you buddy!!
Ali, you are so dang creative! Goodness Gracious!! Oh, and that little Roman....there is something about him....He is just so stink'n cute! Happy Birthday Roman! :)