
What Kind of MOM....

So I took a "What Kind of Mom Are You?" test on Facebook and I thought I'd share my results on my blog page as well. As you can see I'm like 'Kitty' from That 70's Show.

"You are doing pretty good! You know that being a strong mom is important and that you aren't perfect! You can laugh and cry with your kids! You demand respect and set a certain standard for your kids to follow! You are the MOM of the Year!"

Really I'm just glad to hear I answered the questions right. And while my kids are young... makes it a little easy to be soooo cool. When they get to be teenagers - well, lets just say I'm a bit afraid!!


  1. Ali, that is so funny! I was June Cleaver....REALLY, am I that old fashioned?
    I love "Kitty" on "That 70's Show" she is hilarious! She tries soooo hard to be a good mom. You don't have to try...you just are! ;)

    Looks like you have your playlist figured out! It sounds lovely!

  2. Kitty is my favorite!
